Sunday, 16 August 2015

Why Environmental Studies.

This is a blog which is an assignment for a freshman girl studying Environmental Studies. Although it is just an assignment I hope to be able to continue updating this blog even after semester ends.

Since I was a little girl, I hardly left the comforts of the city hence I am intrigued by the idea of nature.
I watched National Geographic and Animal Planet instead of Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon. 
Yet I went on to Secondary School and Junior College burying this little interest of mine, and invested time and energy on what seems to be of utmost importance then. Netball and national exams were a huge part of my teenage life. Like almost every teen out there, I had no direction and was just enjoying my life having fun. Parts of me regretted but parts of me did not. 

It was only after A levels then I started to contemplate on what to major in, which career path am I to embark on. That is when I realised I want to stop following the crowd, I want to do something more meaningful and something that I actually am passionate about. I spent a few months looking through courses others recommended. Accountancy for good money, business for a general certificate with many jobs available, law and medicine for good money and prestige, arts and social sciences for a more relaxed uni life, engineering, architecture - the list goes on and on. Yet, I took interest in nothing of the above.  

I was lost and unsure of what to do, until I came across the Environmental Studies brochure online as I was skimming through the list of courses NUS offered. I remembered on the brochure there is a picture of a frog. That is beside the point. The point is, the moment I saw the brochure, I know that is what I want to study and advocate my life to - the environment. Many people were skeptical of my choice. They thought it was impractical and unsuitable for me. Yet I went on with it because, I know this is what I want to do. I may not have much knowledge in me right now, but it will be a different story in the near future. 

It sounds rather childish, the way I picked my choice of study. But I think sometimes you have to listen to your inner voice to lead you on the path you truly are meant to walk.
This blog post marks the start to a very amazing journey ahead. & this blog would be a record of this very amazing journey that I am about to embark on. It will be filled with views, opinions, experiences and whatever seems appropriate. Cheers to accomplishing great work!

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